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  • <Completed> [Special Exhibition] Lifestyle Design Self-help devices, prosthetics, assistive devices and their users in Leprosy sanatorium
Top event information event list <Completed> [Special Exhibition] Lifestyle Design Self-help devices, prosthetics, assistive devices and their users in Leprosy sanatorium


Announcement of special exhibition
*The event has ended.

生活のデザイン ハンセン病療養所における自助具、義肢、補装具とその使い手たち

Rehabilitation is not the only rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is that those who cannot walk walk, those who do not have a broom have a broom, and those who cannot have a fork have a fork. Independence must mean that it takes.

(Kaoru Tashiro "Independence of the Handicapped" "Tama" Vol. 41, No. 11, November 1960)


Patients and Former leprosy patients at the Leprosy sanatorium have used various tools to live in their own way, despite their inconvenience in activities of daily living due to neuropathy.
In the past, under the Hansen's Disease isolation policy, the sanatorium budget was not sufficient and much labor was carried out by patients. The ancient tin prosthesis and plane with handles tell the history of the hardships of residents who have been responsible for Patient procedures and work in daily life while suffering from paralysis of sensory nerves and motor nerves.
After the arrival of occupational therapists and prosthetics and orthotists since the latter half of the 1950s, we pursued how to realize the life that the user wants to achieve while protecting the limbs that have lost perception and cannot move as expected. Has been done. The individuality of the tools has been sharpened according to the spread of the user's wishes, such as artificial legs made of various materials, spoons with colorful self-help tools, and self-help tools related to creating a purpose of life such as ceramic art and music activities. In this way, many tools suitable for designing each person's life were made and shaped the life of the user.
From the appearance of people who use these tools, we can see the will to not deprive them of the small freedoms around them, even if they live in a limited space. In this exhibition, we will tell you about its appearance through a number of self-help tools, artificial limbs, and prosthetic devices, as well as images, photographs, and stories of their users. We hope that you will deepen your understanding of the Issues related to leprosy and increase your interest in the steps that people living with disabilities have pursued their potential.


Outline of the event※Finished.

2022年 3月12日(土)から 8月31日(水)

<お願い> 会期中、7月31日(日)、及び8月6日(土)は、講演会「生活のデザインができるまで -願いをかたちにする人びと-」の配信のため、一部ご観覧を制限させていただきます。当日ご来場のお客様には大変申し訳ありませんが、ご理解、ご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。

国立ハンセン病資料館 企画展示室





event information※Finished.

Talk session "Design of life" (online)

We will tell you about various episodes that left an impression in the process of exhibition production in a dialogue format by two curators in charge. It is a story about the thoughts of each user and creator.

2022年6月17日(金)  19時 から 20時30分

事業部事業課 西浦直子・吉國元




Let's make a workshop "tin prosthesis" (face-to-face)

A tin prosthesis that was once invented, manufactured and used by patients. By moving your hands and actually making them with familiar materials, you will deepen your understanding of the ingenuity contained in the tools.
Lecturer: Curator in charge

各回10時 から 11時30分

当館1階 ロビー






Gallery talk (face-to-face)

The curator in charge will guide you through the exhibition while touching the background of each tool.

各回13時 から 13時45分

当館2階 企画展示室

各回 当日先着10名、事前申し込み不要


Gallery Talk (online)

From the exhibition room, the curator in charge will guide you through the exhibition online.

各回13時 から 13時45分

各回 50名、事前申し込み制 参加無料



Lecture "Until you can design your life-people who make their wishes-" (online)

We will invite a prosthetic limb orthotist from the National Sanatorium Tama Zenshoen Zenseien to hear about his experiences and thoughts as a maker of prosthetic legs and prosthetics.

各回13時30分 から 15時
2022年7月31日(日) : 菅野太洋さん (多磨全生園義肢装具士)
2022年8月6日(土) : 後藤直生さん (多磨全生園義肢装具士)




2022年7月31日(日) 菅野太洋さんの講演はコチラ
2022年8月6日(土) 後藤直生さんの講演はコチラ


TEL:042-396-2909 FAX:042-396-2981


A mini video was posted on YouTube in connection with the special exhibition "Design of Life".
You can watch the video here.

[Special exhibition "Design of life" mini introduction]
About bells as self-help tools
The first mini-video that introduces the exhibition materials, etc., in conjunction with the The National Hansen's Disease Museum special exhibition "Design of Life: Self-help tools, artificial limbs, prosthetics and their users at the Leprosy sanatorium".
This is a video about the "bell as a self-help tool" that was often used when a person with sensory impairment as a symptom / sequela of Hansen's Disease lost his or her eyesight.

Commentary: The National Hansen's Disease Museum Yoshikunimoto


Click here to download the flyer (PDF: 756 KB)
Click here to download the event flyer (PDF: 1,380 KB)