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The National Hansen's Disease Museum Library search system
Search system for the table of contents of the Journals published by the Resident Association of Leprosy Sanatoria and the Blind Association
Activity record database The National Hansen's Disease Museum
Search system for the table of contents of newspaper and magazine articles on leprosy
Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957) Bibliography search system of the same garden
Classroom practice archives on leprosy issues
Search system for the table of contents of the Journals published by the Resident Association of Leprosy Sanatoria and the Blind Association
Activity record database The National Hansen's Disease Museum
Search system for the table of contents of newspaper and magazine articles on leprosy
Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957) Bibliography search system of the same garden
Classroom practice archives on leprosy issues