Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957)

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  • Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957)
Top Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957)

May 30, 2013

Introducing the materials of "Rai Bibliography Society"

National Sanatorium Nagashima-Aiseien History Museum

"Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" was published by Nagashima-Aiseien as a project commemorating the 50th anniversary of the 1907 "Law No. 11 concerning Hansen's Disease prevention". It covers the material group.
In 2005, the Nagashima-Aiseien Historical Museum started researching the materials collected in the Inside the sanatorium, and has been digitizing and storing them. This time, we have decided to release some of the materials under the following restrictions.
Mr. Kunio Fujita, Director of Nagashima-Aiseien Aiseien, Mr. Kunio Hikita, and Mr. Kayono Iwanabe from Hansen Volunteer Yui no Kai. This was made possible thanks to the tremendous efforts of Nagashima-Aiseien Resident Association, Koseisha Co., Ltd., the Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology, the The National Hansen's Disease Museum, and many others. In particular, I would like to express my gratitude again to Mr. Hikita and Mr. Iwanabe, who carried out most of this work.
We hope that these materials will help shed light on the abyss of the Issues related to leprosy.

Curator Tomohisa Tamura

Publishing restrictions
○Handwritten manuscripts contributed elsewhere
○ Items related to the privacy of residents
○ Those with photos of critically ill patients
○ Documents issued less than 50 years ago
○Journals issued by each Leprosy sanatorium

Edited Nagashima-Aiseien "Leprosy Literature Catalog Society Edition" (published in 1957)