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Top event information event list Facility rental event | January 19, 2020 (Sun)


Facility rental event | January 19, 2020 (Sun)

Event holding information by facility rental

Event name Hansen's Disease Asian countries" I want you to know. Hansen's Disease Japan and Asia. ""

Hansen's Disease recovery village in China when they were students, and after graduating, started an NPO / Volatia group in India and Indonesia and spread the activities locally.
Hansen's Disease is now considered a drug-curable disease, but it has been feared, shunned, and discriminated against for many years as an incurable disease. And although there are differences from country to country, there are still misunderstandings and discrimination against this disease.
Hansen's Disease is leprosy, what kind of problems are there in Japan, India, and Indonesia, and what triggered Japanese young people to think and what kind of activities they are developing. I would like to tell all the visitors whether they are there.


アジア各国ハンセン病についての講演会「知ってほしい。日本、アジアのハンセン病のこと。」のちらしをダウンロードできます。(PDF: 163KB)





2020年1月19日(日)13時開場 13時30分 から 16時

国立ハンセン病資料館 1階 映像ホール


