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[Professional Series Part 3] Lecture by Ken Sakuma
Learning and communicating about Issues related to leprosy- From the school scene -
*Event has ended

The third occupation series! I would like to hear from an active faculty member.

ハンセン病問題を学び、伝えるということ~学校現場から~のチラシをダウンロードできます。(PDF: 444KB)


Outline of the event

2019年8月25日(SUN)13時30分 から 15時

国立ハンセン病資料館 1階 映像ホール


佐久間建氏 講演会「ハンセン病問題を学び、伝えるということ~学校現場から~」開催報告

8月25日、佐久間建氏 講演会 ハンセン病問題を学び、伝えるということ~学校現場から~を開催しました。
当館では、昨年度からハンセン病問題に取り組んでこられた様々な職業の方をお招きしてそのご経験をお話ししていただく職業シリーズの講演会を開催しております。第1回目は、2018年12月に「講演会 ソーシャルワーカーを目指すあなた達に伝えたいこと/講師:坂手悦子氏(国立療養所邑久光明園福祉課ソーシャルワーカー)」を開催しました。第2回目は、2019年6月に「講演会 報道マンに訪れた”人間回復”~ハンセン病回復者との出会いから~/講師:小川秀幸氏(三重テレビ放送報道制作局長)」を開催しました。本日の第3回目は、現在現役の学校の先生としてご活躍している佐久間建先生(東京都立武蔵台学園府中分教室・主任教諭)をお招きして、「ハンセン病問題を学び、伝えるということ~学校現場から~」をテーマにお話を伺いました。


  • We would like to express our sincere gratitude for creating an irreplaceable and important learning opportunity. Thank you very much.
  • I learned a lot. I would like to make use of it in educational settings.
  • Thank you for creating a wonderful lecture opportunity. Professor Sakuma's story made me think about what is important as an educator and as a human being, beyond the perspective of creating lessons for Hansen's Disease I would be happy if you could create such an opportunity again.
  • Thank you for your very moving talk today. I would like to ask Professor Sakuma a lot of questions and talks. Thank you for meeting Dr. Sakuma. Thank you for your lecture. I think YouTube's consideration is wonderful.
  • Hansen's Disease was treated from the Edo period to the present day by looking at many materials. I wanted to learn more about discrimination due to illness.
  • How can I tell people who aren't interested or don't want to understand? I thought. I thought that I had to spread the word to indifferent people such as politics, Okinawa, and Fukushima. I think education is important.
  • The content of the lecture was easy to understand and it was a good facility.
  • I am impressed with the enhancement of the homepage in recent years.
  • When I checked this lecture on HP, I knew it was the third one. I definitely wanted to know the contents of the first and second bullets.

We would like to continue to consider plans that many people can participate in, so we look forward to working with you. We look forward to your participation.

The National Hansen's Disease Museum







Question-and-answer session

Question-and-answer session

