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Top event information event list <Finished> [Event Report] 23rd Lecture on experiences of leprosy patients (December 15, 2018)


Lecture on experiences of leprosy patients- Would you like to hear the experiences of Leprosy recovered persons? ~
*Event has ended

Speaker: Tadashi Jo

alt memo poster

Born in 1937 (Showa 12) in Okinawa Prefecture

In 1955, he was diagnosed with Hansen's Disease and was forcibly admitted to National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen

In 1956, he enrolled in the Shinrada classroom of Oku High School in Nagashima-Aiseien as a member of the second class.

In 1972, he returned to society and started working in Aichi Prefecture. He married a woman who had Former leprosy patients from the disease and had one son.

He worked until he was 63 and retired. He is still living in society today.

State of holding

The National Hansen's Disease Museum holds occasional lectures inviting residents and residents of Tama Zenshoen We hope that you will deepen your understanding of the Issues related to leprosy by listening to the stories of the parties concerned. Thank you for visiting our booth.

Opening remarks

Lecture by Tadashi Jo

Q & A

Closing remarks


≪Contact information≫
The National Hansen's Disease Museum Business Department Business Division Person in charge: Curator Manabu Tashiro
4-1-13, Aoba-cho, Higashimurayama-shi, Tokyo 189-0002
TEL: 042-396-2909 FAX: 042-396-2981