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Information on the 2017 “Hansen's Disease and Human Rights” Summer Seminar
*Event has ended








国立ハンセン病資料館(駐車場あります) 〒189-0002 東京都東村山市青葉町4-1-13

We have reached the capacity, so we have closed the application.

TEL:042-396-2909 FAX:042-396-2981


2017年7月度「ハンセン病と人権」夏期セミナー 開催報告



  • Until now, I had Hansen's Disease only knew the name, but this time I was able to attend this seminar and learned Hansen's Disease, patients, human rights, and so on. It was a really good experience to know.
  • I am a teacher at a metropolitan junior high school, and I participated in this year's moral class because I wanted to take up Hansen's Disease I realized again that I didn't know anything about Hansen's Disease I thought that the issues of "human rights" and "discrimination" were very delicate issues, so I didn't face them head-on, but I didn't listen to today's story, I thought about it myself, and told the children as a person involved in education. I strongly thought this. Thank you for today.
  • When I heard Mr. Hirasawa's story, I felt regret that "even if I was born, there is no hometown", but I respected the various energetic activities to eliminate discrimination and prejudice. .. Also, I was impressed by the director's words, "No matter what, people are people, and I am also people." I would like to continue to think about what human dignity is. Thank you very much.
  • Thank you for your valuable opportunity. Director Narita says, "People are people, and I am also a person." That is missing in human rights education. You need to be able to see everything as your own. I want to keep in mind that I am a member of society and I am also the creator of society.
  • It has been 18 years since I started working on the Issues related to leprosy I have listened to various people's stories in various situations, but today I was able to reconfirm my basic knowledge in Mr. Gido's lecture. This is the first time I have learned that it is a zoonotic disease. Mr. Hirasawa and Mr. Narita, I hope you will continue to live well and live long. Thank you very much. Kim's soft narrative was wonderful.

The National Hansen's Disease Museum


opening ceremony








Greetings from Director Minoru Narita

Greetings from Director Minoru Narita

"History of Issues related to leprosy and the history of the museum"


Museum tour

Museum tour

Museum tour

Museum tour

Certificate of completion awarded

Certificate of completion awarded

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony


2017年8月度「ハンセン病と人権」夏期セミナー 開催報告



  • I was impressed by Mr. Hirasawa's words, "Children are treasures of the earth." Each of Mr. Hirasawa's words touched my heart. Please take good care of yourself. At this seminar, I was able to learn pathologically and historically about Hansen's Disease I think that I learned only a part of it today, so I wanted to get involved in this. I would like to convey this to the children.
  • It was a very fulfilling and rich seminar according to the time schedule. Mr. Hirasawa's story was a content that strongly touched my heart as a real-life person. Think for yourself, not for others, by Director Narita! I will connect the word to my next action. Thank you very much.
  • Following the story of Director Narita, what I can do in "thinking about human rights" is not to "think" about the knowledge and historical background of Hansen's Disease I thought it was about creating a lesson that would make people aware.
  • The medical commentary that even an amateur can understand was very easy to understand. I am very grateful to Mr. Hirasawa for giving a lecture even though he was in the hospital. The story of the human rights of Director Narita was shocking. I was well aware that I wasn't doing anything myself. I heard that Mr. Kim's steady explanation was sunny. It was easy to understand.
  • I have visited the museum many times, but I did not know that everyone with such enthusiasm was working. It has come to look colorful as a creature in which the museum is active.
  • I am currently in the second year of high school and I wanted to hear from people Hansen's Disease I think that few people will know the suffering of discrimination against Hansen's Disease another 10 years. I felt once again that it is important for the younger generation to understand this mistake correctly and pass it on to future generations. I was very happy because I was able to take a walk in the Zenseien. Thank you very much.
  • I'm a teacher, but it was a surprising day because I didn't know anything about it. I intended to think about discrimination and human rights through foreign language education, but I think that there are parts that I can understand and parts that I physically refuse, and I think this is a lifelong issue. I feel that the education and growing environment that I have received since I was born have a great influence. However, I think that we can talk to the next generation because we are like this, so I will make use of what I have learned in education.

The National Hansen's Disease Museum


opening ceremony








Greetings from Director Minoru Narita

Greetings from Director Minoru Narita

"History of Issues related to leprosy and the history of the museum"


Museum tour

Museum tour

Museum tour

Museum tour

Certificate of completion awarded

Certificate of completion awarded

Closing ceremony

Closing ceremony