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  • <Finished> [Live lecture] "The life of Eiichi Shibusawa and Hansen's Disease: his achievements and merits and demerits"
Top event information event list <Finished> [Live lecture] "The life of Eiichi Shibusawa and Hansen's Disease: his achievements and merits and demerits"


[Live Streaming of Lecture]
"The Life of Eiichi Shibusawa and Hansen's Disease: His Achievements, Merits and Demerits"
*The event has ended.

Click here for the YouTube archive of the lecture on the day

Eiichi Shibusawa, the main character of the Taiga drama "Seiten wo Tsuke", has many achievements not only as a manager but also as a welfare pioneer.
Among them, it is worth noting that he served as director of Tokyo Yoiku-in for a long time, and he met a Leprosy patients at the institution.
Since then, Shibusawa has continued to have connections with Hansen's Disease, but it cannot be denied that his involvement was partly due to his involvement in the segregation policy.
While tracing how Shibusawa was involved with Hansen's Disease during his lifetime, we will consider how to evaluate the relationship between Shibusawa and the Issues related to leprosy.

Saturday, August 21, 2021, from 14:00

【Teacher】Mr. Hiroaki Sugiyama
Professor at Notre Dame Seishin University
Born in 1962, he specializes in social welfare and is also researching Issues related to leprosy from that perspective.
His major works include "The Trajectory of the Christian Hansen's Disease Relief Movement" (University Education Publishing), "Christian Social Welfare in Japan Seen from 'Local' Practices" (Minerva Shobo), and "Learning about the Future of Welfare from Shibusawa Eiichi" (Seikyusha).

YouTube Live Streaming
*No prior application required; free

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