Event details

Top event information event list <Ended> Tracing the trajectory of the Arirang Association with rare footage


Guide to the trajectory of the Arirang Association through rare footage
*Event has ended





Outline of the event

2019年3月30日(土)13時30分 から 15時(開場13時)

国立ハンセン病資料館 1F 映像ホール

13時30分 から 13時40分 ごあいさつ
13時40分 から 14時10分 「アリランの会」の軌跡 映像上映
14時20分 から 15時   金順子氏らによる韓国舞踏公演





▼石香 金順子(キム スンジャ)氏 プロフィール

韓国伝統舞踊家・金順子韓国伝統芸術研究院主宰・韓国国家指定無形文化財第92号・太平舞保存会 日本東京支部長


Trajectory of "Arirang no Kai" traced by valuable images Held report



  • I was impressed by the story of singing and dancing as a manifestation of the soul, the story of being a person in a squeezed history, and the words of cultural activities that "in search of the meaning of life". The result was a presentation of the results of the teachers who made the utmost effort with their hard-to-move limbs and faced each other seriously (without adding any effort). With today's footage in mind, I thought I had to work harder.
  • I was very happy and grateful to see you. Looking at the film at that time, I thought it was difficult to practice, but in the story of Professor Junko Kim's stage, I thought that everyone's passion created that wonderful stage. Singing and dancing should be equally enjoyable to all who wish for it. I'm really thankful to you.
  • Actually, this museum was a very high threshold for me. While studying the history of the past, I am also attracted to the bad points of the Japanese people, and I have discrimination and prejudice. I was finally able to visit this place while learning with the people around me. Thank you for the wonderful event.
  • This time, I participated and learned the deep meaning hidden in "dancing". I learned that it is not only fun, but also suffering and sadness, and a strong feeling for my homeland. The performance was much more powerful and very interesting than I saw in the video. Everyone was very beautiful and the costumes and hairstyles were also very beautiful. There were powerful and elegant dances, and I enjoyed them. I was surprised to be walking like a slip. I would like to see it again if I have the opportunity.
  • I was deeply moved by the wonderful performance. I'm looking forward to other performances again. I cried.
  • It was a very good gathering. The dissonance with South Korea is expanding now, but I realized again that it is the country I want to get along with most. The story of the moderator was also very good. Thank you very much.
  • I am a teacher at a Korean school. I participated in this event with my mother. Hansen's Disease little knowledge of Hansen's disease, I think that the people living in Japan have lived with ethnic discrimination and double discrimination, recognizing that discrimination still remains after participating in this event. My heart hurts. As someone who has danced Korean dance, I wanted to dance and sing along with them someday.
  • I am working on Japan-Korea exchange, so I was very interested in it. The precious images of the past and the dances of Junko Kim and others were also wonderful, but in particular, the director said, "Even though the songs and dances seem to be fun at first glance, there is something inside that overcomes sorrow and suffering." I was impressed with. Please continue these activities for a long time. "The sorrow of leprosy, dancing and dancing Arirang no Kai"

We look forward to your participation so that we can continue to introduce you to our residents as a proof that they have survived the cultural activities of the residents, and we hope that you will look forward to future projects.

The National Hansen's Disease Museum



館長のご挨拶(館長 成田稔)

館長のご挨拶(館長 成田稔)















