Organization map (Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients)
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- Information on the National Hansen's Disease Museum
- Organization map (Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients)
Organization chart of the Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients
Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients has a Special hospital ward (also known as Jyu-kanbo), which used to be a disciplinary facility for Hansen's Disease Leprosy patients on the premises of the National Sanatorium Kuriu-Rakusenen in Kusatsu-cho, Gunma Prefecture. As a place to pass on to posterity as a negative heritage that symbolizes the history of Japan, learn the importance of human life, and foster a spirit of respect for human rights, the national government (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) has set Article 18 of the "Act on the Promotion of Resolution of Issues Related to Hansen's Disease". It is the second national Hansen's Disease Museum in Japan, which was opened in April 2014. In the hall, you can see various exhibits and materials related to the heavy cell. We also conduct Storytelling activities and lecture activities as a base for dissemination and enlightenment aimed at eliminating discrimination and prejudice over Hansen's Disease.
We look forward to your visit.
Click here for the Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients website
Here is the organizational chart of the Jyu-kanbo National Museum of Detention for Hansen's Disease Patients.